- When you are driving something from the M department, drift happens. -
An old saying goes; never meet your heroes. What this suggests is that the model in your head is often more romantic than reality. We proved them wrong, because the E46 is so good! It was the third generation of the 3-series stable that the 'Motorsport' department of BMW was allowed to interfere with. A bunch of fanatics where it is all about one thing; going rebellious fast. Very hard. Sideways, and so on.
When you wake up the 3.0 six-in-line, you are treated to the iconic snare they only manage in Munich. Number of HPs? According to BMW M somewhere between 343 and 360. Enough to insert in any case. Her Titansilber accentuates the thicker hips and the well-formed side-skirt. The "Gurney flap" (must be German humor) and the four pipes reveal a lot, we're not going to describe it as modest either. Rather as a car that is 'aware of its significant status', especially with BMW enthusiasts like us.
Ours, of course, is a bit extra special; it is exactly the way you -M- want it. A hand box, dealer maintenance, low mileage, and the roof can be taken off! So, are you treating yourself to an also rationally interesting lord of the ring? We will see you soon.